Tee and Cross

The common size of API 6A tees and crosses from 2-1/16” to 4-1/16” with maximum service pressure ratings ranging from 2000psi to 15000psi. Common configurations include ells, tees, 4-way, 5-way, 6-way crosses. Custom sizes and configurations are also available.

The common size of API 6A tees and crosses from 2-1/16” to 4-1/16” with maximum service pressure ratings ranging from 2000psi to 15000psi. Common configurations include ells, tees, 4-way, 5-way, 6-way crosses. Custom sizes and configurations are also available.


Size Range: 2-1/16”, 3-1/8”, 3-1/16”, 4-1/16”,

Working Pressure: 2000psi 3000psi 5000 psi 10000psi 15000psi

Temperature: PU  Material: AA BB CC DD EE FF

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